Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Show & Tell - My Ambition by Kaylen Teo

Good afternoon Mrs Choy and friends. Today, I am going to tell you about my ambition. Can you guess what it is ? Here are some clues. I have to wear a white coat. I have to wear a stethoscope. 
I give medicine to my patients. Yes, my ambition is to be a vet. I want to be a vet because I love animals. A vet takes care of sick and injured animals. A vet also teaches owners how to care for their pets. Do you know that certain nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are poisonous to dogs ? This is an important fact to know and vets must teach owners about things like this. 
When I become a vet, my pet hospital will be called "Furry Friends Animal Hospital". It will have windows shaped like paw prints and a door shaped like a bone ! I will build pretty and cosy rooms for animals that need to stay overnight. This is the end of my Show And Tell. Thank you for your attention.

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