Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Friday, 27th January 2017 - Chinese New Year Celebration

School dismissal is at 10.30 a.m.
Pupils are encouraged to come in their ethnic costumes, New Year clothes or PE attire.
Pupils to bring a small bag, water bottle, snacks, colour pencils, pencil case and a story book.

Dear Parents, please follow up ...
1. Check your child's Pupil Diary for message - some pupils have not handed in their
    - Health Education Activity/Workbook
    - Mathematics Test Book
2. Sign Spelling(1) worksheet and check your child's corrections (if necessary)
3. Sign and return - Math Chapter 2: Number Bonds
1. Complete Test 1: Numbers To 10

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Homework - Mathematics

1. Workbook pages 27 & 28 - to be handed in tomorrow

2. Mathematics Test Book
    Some pupils have not handed in this book so please hand in to me as soon as possible  
    Test 1: Numbers To 10 - to be handed in next week

Mathematics - Chapter 2: Number Bonds

Chapter 2: Number Bonds
Below is the link for game to practise your number bond skills.


Number Twins: 12 means number bonds of 12
So change 12 to 10 - for number bonds of 10 and so on .....

Monday, January 23, 2017

What's Up? Term 1 Week 4

Tuesday, 24th January
Spelling (1)

Friday, 27th January
Chinese New Year Celebration:
School dismissal @ 10.30 a.m. - refer to Principal's letter dated 20th Jan for details.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Thursday, January 19, 2017

For Your Attention - Mathematics

I have completed Chapter 1: Numbers To 10.
Sign on the cover page and return to teacher for filing.
AOCs (Areas Of Concern) -
  • Need to use a ruler to draw straight lines when matching
  • Need to learn spelling of numbers
  • Need to read instructions carefully
  • Need to hold child's hand to practise writing correctly (those who showed 'mirror' images).

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Parents' Briefing On 14th January 2017

Here is the important slide:
A parent asked what books to choose for her child to read.
Go to the Stellar Literary Website and you will find answers to all your queries.
Another website to browse:
Popular authors: Dr Suess, Roald Dahl, Lewis Carroll & Geronimo Stilton

Friday, January 13, 2017

Term 1 Spelling List

Gave out Term 1 Spelling List today.
You can assess the soft copy of this list at this link:

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Welcome! Pupils of 1 Courage 2017

Dear Parents & Pupils,
Here's wishing all of you a Blessed New Year ! This is my blog for your class. Please read the postings which I hope would be useful to you. Happy bonding!

What should be in the school bag everyday

1. A story book for silent reading. We hope that pupils will inculcate the habit of reading while waiting for school to begin and also when they have finished their written work in class.
2. Pupil Diary - this book serves as a 2-way communication for parent and teacher. Place a tag on the page and leave this book on the teacher's table if you have a message for the teacher.
3. Pencil case with the necessary stationery (please sharpen the pencils at home. This is to prevent littering.)

4. A box of colour pencils.
5. Folder to keep documents / worksheets for your attention and follow-up actions. Have a separate folder for the Mother Tongue teacher, if necessary.
6. White board for activities.