Thursday, January 05, 2017

Welcome! Pupils of 1 Courage 2017

Dear Parents & Pupils,
Here's wishing all of you a Blessed New Year ! This is my blog for your class. Please read the postings which I hope would be useful to you. Happy bonding!

What should be in the school bag everyday

1. A story book for silent reading. We hope that pupils will inculcate the habit of reading while waiting for school to begin and also when they have finished their written work in class.
2. Pupil Diary - this book serves as a 2-way communication for parent and teacher. Place a tag on the page and leave this book on the teacher's table if you have a message for the teacher.
3. Pencil case with the necessary stationery (please sharpen the pencils at home. This is to prevent littering.)

4. A box of colour pencils.
5. Folder to keep documents / worksheets for your attention and follow-up actions. Have a separate folder for the Mother Tongue teacher, if necessary.
6. White board for activities.


me2u said...

Greetings Mrs Choy, this blog is great! Keeps me posted on what's happening in my boy's class.

Thanks for the effort.

Best regards,
Jessica Too

Mrs Choy said...

Thanks for the acknowledgement. I'm glad that it is helpful.

Unknown said...

Dear Mrs Choy, I am Thomas Isaac, father of the twins - Marcus and Matthias. The twin have brought back different sets of books. Would you be able to clarify what books should be with us at home?

Unknown said...

Thank you mrs choy for taking the time and effort to keep parents updated. This is definitely helps to clarifysome of the doubts and gives needed information. Greatly appreciate it.

Best regards

Mrs Choy said...

Dear Mr Thomas Isaac,
Grammar Handbook to be kept at home for reference and revision.

Unknown said...

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you Mrs choy, this blog definitely very helpful for first time parent to the school.

Pierre chew (Father of Chloe chew)