Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Overview of Activity / Holistic Assessments - Term 1

Letters regarding these activity / assessments have been isssued to parents.
This is just a gentle reminder.
21st February - English Language [ Listening ] 5%
25th February - Learning Journey to Singapore Art Museum
26th to 28th February - English Show and Tell 5%
Index number 1 to 10 "My Favourite Past-time"
Index number 11 to 20 "My Favourite Television Programme"
Index number 21 to 30 "My Favourite Place In SIngapore"
1st March - Math Topical Review 10%


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Choy;
I would like to confirm with you that English language (Listening) will be tested on the 19th of February or 21th of February. According to the paper we received from school,the English listening will be tested on the 21th of February. Thanks!

Mrs Han

Mrs Choy said...

Hi Mrs Han,
You are correct, it's on 21st.
Will make amendments to info on blog.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Mrs Choy ^_^!

Mrs Han