Monday, May 14, 2012

Discipline - how strict should the teacher be?

This incident happened two months back in our school.

A pupil played with his water bottle along the corridor facing the concourse on level 3. The water bottle went over the parapet and fell down to the ground floor. It landed on a teacher’s head. The teacher saw stars and was sent to the hospital. Thanks be to God....the teacher recovered and is fine.
Parent’s point of view : Children are by nature playful therefore this is an unfortunate accident.
Teacher’s point of view :
1.       A water bottle is not a play thing, it is for quenching thirst.
2.       The corridor is not a play area, other classes are functioning and pupils need the quietness to listen better and not be distracted.

What if the water bottle landed on your child’s head?
How strict should the teacher be with regards to the discipline of the pupils?

What is discipline?

A classroom is shared by many pupils who are there to study. No child should be disadvantaged when the conducive environment is jeopardized by someone in the class who continues to make noises [ like cat calls, running engine, etc ... ] despite being warned, to distract or just for fun.

As a parent, what is your take on this? Either leave a comment or email me at

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