Saturday, November 19, 2016

Closure For Year 2016

My pride and joy!
Thank you all pupils of 1 Agape for the effort you have put in.
Have a good holiday but don't forget to read (your holiday assignments).
Please also file your KC Times worksheets in the black file and submit to your 2017 form teacher.
God bless 🙏

Monday, November 07, 2016

Assessments Papers for SA2 results

Dear Parents,
Please sign the Mathematics and English Test papers to confirm the marks and return to me by tomorrow.
Many thanks

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Unit 11: Poggy Frog And The Cows - The Sharing Song

Hi Pupils,
Last Learning Sheet - The Sharing Song.
Here is the song, ENJOY !!

If you know a secret joke (word joke is missing)
You'll tell it and share
a laugh

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Hi Pupils,
Here is the story "Poggy Frog And The Cows". ENJOY!

Monday, October 03, 2016

What's Up? Term 4 Week 4

Tuesday, 4th October 2016
HA - Listening Comprehension (Weighting 5%)
Units 6 to 12
- Sound Discrimination
- Picture Matching
- Functional Text

Friday, September 23, 2016

What's Up? Term 4 Week 3

Monday, 26th September 2016 & Tuesday, 27th  September 2016
HA Reading Aloud (10%)
Pupils will read a passage accurately and with appropriate expression.

Friday, 30th September 2016
Spelling - Please learn spelling .
This will help you in composition writing.

Friday, September 16, 2016

What's Up? Term 4 Week 2

Tuesday, 20th September 2016

NLB Mobile Library will be in school.
Please bring your EZlink  or  NLB Library cards to borrow books.

Monday, August 15, 2016

EL Show Time 2016

Dear Pupils,
Sorry, I was not able to watch your performance. However, I've got good feedback on the effort you have put in. Good Job! Well Done!
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your support. Your children have put up a very good show. I'm so proud of them!

Monday, August 01, 2016

Dear Parents

Dear Parents,
Sorry to inform you that I'm on MC till 14th August.
The redness in my eye has subsided, however, can still feel the tightness and slight discomfort.
I need to apply 2 types of eye drops regularly.
If there are no complications, I'll report for duty on 11th August, after National Day.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Class Photographs

Please place your orders for the photographs.
Samples below.
Can get order forms from me.

Thursday, June 02, 2016


This is a requirement from General Office for those who have not submitted their Travel Plan.
Whether travelling overseas or not, please fill up Travel Plan and hand in to school.
A 'Nil' return is necessary.
Many thanks for your co-operation.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Kaya The Otter

Please read the story and do the activities in the book. Good to do with your parents for quality bonding.
You can relate the otters to those found in Bishan Park.
Visit to find out more.
Hand in book when school reopens.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What's Up? Term 2 Week 10

Wednesday, 25th May 2016
Aesop's Fables at the hall for pupils who can come early at 7.15 a.m.

Thursday, 26th May 2016
Parent-Teacher-Child Conference & E-learning Day - through appointments made with teacher.
PTC - please bring your child / pupil along for the conferencing.

All pupils to do e-learning at home.
For Math - login to Ten Marks
For English - login to mconline  (updated on 25/5)

Friday, 28th May 2016
KClympics Day - All pupils to come in PE attire.

Note: Please sign Travel Plan and return to teacher before school holidays. A 'Nil" return is required.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Programme For Active Learning - Art

Below are pictures of the International Friendship Bands the pupils have made today.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Discipline - Bullying

My grandson is in Primary 1 (not in this school)
My daughter is a Parent Volunteer in that school.
She shared with me that a P4 pupil tried to commit suicide by jumping off the building. He was bullied for many years.
When I heard that, my first reaction was:
"Why is his form teacher so 'blind' & 'deaf'?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

For Your Action

Dear Parent / Guardian,
I have issued this form to your child/ward.
Your help is needed to fill up this form.
The information given will help the teacher to know and understand your child/ward better and be in a better position to build bridges to strengthen the bonding.
Whatever is revealed in this form is kept strictly confidential so do answer the questions as truthfully as possible.
Please do so and return to me through your child by Friday.
Many thanks.