Monday, October 19, 2015

Unit 13: Owl Babies

Three baby owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill, wake up one night in their hole in a tree to find that their mother has gone. So they sit on a branch and wait. Darkness gathers and the owls grow anxious, wondering when their mother will return. But, at last, she does, and they bounce up and down with joy, welcoming her home.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

EL Show Time 2015

Many thanks to all parents who responded to help out with pupils' make-up.
Had to draw lots for only 4 parents.
My apologies for not taking more pictures of your children.
Here is the long-awaited video. ENJOY!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Library Card

Pupils are to use their ezlink card to borrow books from school library. If your child has lost his/her ezlink card, you have to get a replacement from SMRT. For safety to prevent lose of card, make a photocopy of the ezlink card, laminate it and let child use it to borrow books from school library.

Monday, February 09, 2015

P2 Activities & Materials for 2015 Semester 1

This activity is compulsory for all P2 pupils.
However, if your child cannot take part in this activity due to medical conditions, please submit a doctor's letter and we will issue you another Edusave Form for non deduction of the $6 for this activity.

What to sign & submit
1. Sign Edusave Form for withdrawal of $60.60 from account.
2. Submit cash or cheque for balance of $71.00

For SPRs / Foreigners
1. Your child does not have an edusave account so do not sign Edusave Form issued.
2. Submit cash or cheque for $131.60