Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sunday, August 02, 2009

VivoCity & Zoo

Click below to view photos.

Click below to view the elephant show video.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Term 3 Spelling List

Hi Pupils,
Welcome back to school. There's Spelling next Thursday. Soft copy is at this link -

Monday, May 25, 2009

Read A Story With My Dad !

The NLB ( National Library Board )is giving out book vouchers in conjunction with this activity.
This is an avenue for father-and-child bonding and also a means to remember fathers on Fathers' Day.
Soft copy of entry form is available at
All completed forms are to be submitted to me by Friday, 29th May.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chloe's Birthday on 2nd April

Here are 2 video clips on Chloe's birthday.

Art & Craft

Unit 6 : The Hungry Giant
Pupils used plasticine to create models of various food for the giant.

Unit 5 : Shark At The Park
Pupils used crayons to create a picture of their favourite park.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Recycle Your Storybooks

Recycle Your Reading - Used books become new reads at the Book Exchange!
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009
Time: 10.30am to 6pm
Venue: The Plaza, National Library Building,100 Victoria Street
3 easy steps to exchange your used books for new reads:
1. Bring your used books to any Public Library from 11 to 24 April, 11am to 8pm. On 25 April, used books are accepted only at the National Library Building.
2. Drop off your used books and get a book exchange coupon indicating one-for-one exchange for the books accepted.
3. Bring your coupon to The Plaza, National Library Building, on 25 April to redeem for used books dropped off by other book lovers.
Terms and Conditions:
1. Each person can exchange up to a maximum of 30 used books. There is no age limit for participation.
2. We accept children’s and adults’ fiction and non-fiction books (eg. cookbooks, travel guides and romance novels) in any of the four official languages. We also accept used library books bought from previous Library Book Sales. Textbooks, magazines and audio-visual materials will not be accepted.
3. Used books for exchange should be in relatively good physical condition.
4. Only coupons issued with a Book Exchange stamp are valid. Please check your coupons carefully after they are issued to you.
5. Coupons issued are transferable. You may pass them on to your family members or friends to help you redeem.
6. Lost coupons are not replaceable. You are advised to keep your coupons properly till the event on 25 April.
7. Plastic/carrier bags and delivery service will not be provided on Sat, 25 April. You are advised to bring your own carrier bags and/or arrange for transportation of books redeemed.
For enquiries, please call NLB Helpdesk at 6332 3255 or email:
Note: NLB reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. Download the poster here. (PDF, 3.8Mb)visit

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Show & Tell

Below is a video clip on Show & Tell. Every time I view this clip, I couldn't help smiling at the spontaneity of the pupils in their response. Can you recognise your child's voice in the background ?

Shannon, I know you were nervous but you did a good job. Your cousin, Ethan Lau, also put in a lot of effort in his presentation. To all the parents I want to say a big THANK YOU for your SUPPORT.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fun Fruity Friday

Fun Fruity Friday will start in term 2 week1.
Pupils will bring their fruits every Friday. The key message is to stress the benefits and importance of eating fruits and vegetables and to eat the vegetables provided by the canteen vendors.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Getting To Know You" Form

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I have issued this form to your child/ward. Your help is needed to fill up this form because when I talked to or asked them, they couldn't give me the answers. The information given will help the teacher to know and understand your child/ward better and be in a better position to build bridges to strengthen the bonding. Whatever is revealed in this form is kept strictly confidential so do answer the questions as truthfully as possible.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Meet-The-Parents on 13 Mar

It was a good session and parents were told to encourage their child to read widely to enhance their general knowledge and linguistic skills.
One parent asked how to get his daughter to read other books instead of 'The Princess' series. It is tough because when I was young, I also read nothing but 'The Famous Five'.
My advice would be to use 'Teachable Moments'. Use everyday incidents like - When Mummy is making a cake, she uses a mixer to cream the butter and sugar. Then ask the child, do you want to know how a mixer works ? If the answer is a 'Yes', bingo ! Go to the library and get hold of a book on simple machines and hopefully your daughter would get hooked on the subject.
There were other issues that parents were concerned about. Mostly on child behaviour.One parent told me how she inculcates the desired behaviour of her son. It is similar to the 'reward and time-out' system mentioned in my blog. The difference is that she did not use 'time-out' as there was no necessity for it.
What every parent should know about child behaviour -
Came across this website which I think would enlighten you on some child behaviour. The website is

The document below was posted in 2008. I've recycled it.

Parenting skills training, offered by therapists or in special classes, gives parents tools and techniques for managing their child’s behavior. One such technique is the use of token or point systems for immediately rewarding good behavior or work. Another is the use of “time-out” or isolation to a chair or bedroom when the child becomes too unruly or out of control. During time-outs, the child is removed from the agitating situation and sits alone quietly for a short time to calm down. Parents may also be taught to give the child “quality time” each day, in which they share a pleasurable or relaxing activity. During this time together, the parent looks for opportunities to notice and point out what the child does well, and praise his or her strengths and abilities.
This system of rewards and penalties can be an effective way to modify a child’s behavior. The parents (or teacher) identify a few desirable behaviors that they want to encourage in the child—such as asking for a toy instead of grabbing it, or completing a simple task. The child is told exactly what is expected in order to earn the reward. The child receives the reward when he performs the desired behavior and a mild penalty when he doesn’t. A reward can be small, perhaps a token that can be exchanged for special privileges, but it should be something the child wants and is eager to earn. The penalty might be removal of a token or a brief time-out. Make an effort to find your child being good. The goal, over time, is to help children learn to control their own behavior and to choose the more desired behavior. The technique works well with all children, although children with ADHD may need more frequent rewards.
Note : Use this as a quide. You may need to vary and/or modify to suit your child.
When all options fail, use the rod.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Vaccines: What Every Parent Should Know

The school health team will visit the school in Term 2. If you need to meet up with the doctor indicate in your child's school diary and I'll give you the schedule (approx).

Came across this website which I think would interest you.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Show & Tell

Here are some video clips of pupils doing Show & Tell.

Show & Tell

Here are the photos of some pupils doing Show & Tell.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Keep Myopia Away

Here is the website for tips on myopia prevention.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Art and Craft

Dots Art
Pupils used coloured dots to create a picture. The pictures featured have been selected for good effort. Keep up the good work !!

I can see an alien in the garden. Beside it is a plant in bloom.
Area for improvement
The dots could have been more uniformed and rounder.

I can see a rocket, the earth and a spaceman. There are the moon and the sun in the background. The red and blue dots represent the temperatures of space, a mixture of cold and hot gases. The black dots represent the darkness and the mysterious atmosphere.
Area for improvement
The dots at the bottom of the picture could have been closer - use more dots. Use dots for images.

I can see a butterfly in the green background.
Area for improvement
The contrast in colours used could have been greater to bring out the butterfly picture.

I can see a kitten with some fruits in the foreground.
Area for improvement
Do not write your name, class and date in the picture.

I can see a girl in a garden. There is a tree in the background and flowering plants in the foreground.
Area for improvement
The contrast in colours of the dots could have been sharper to bring out the images.
I can see a rabbit in the green background.
Area for improvement
The contrast in colours could have been greater to bring out the rabbit picture.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Numbers To 10 - Addition Stories

Hi pupils,
I have uploaded a lesson on making addition stories. Use it for revision or additional practice.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Art & Craft

Hi Pupils,

See your works of art in this video clip.

Happy drawing !!